Student Loan Law

If you are having difficulty making your student loan payments and are delinquent or in default, we can perform an in depth analysis to determine which options are available to help you with your specific student loans.

If you are not delinquent or in default, we can still evaluate your situation to determine whether you are eligible for lower payments to give you much needed breathing room.

Discharge your

Student Loan Debt

We are thrilled to let you know that it is now possible to erase some or all of your Federal Student Loans! There is a new procedure within the Bankruptcy Courts where, in appropriate circumstances, we can sue the U.S. Department of Education to discharge or erase Federal Student Loans. It involves filing what is known as an Adversary Proceeding within the Bankruptcy Court, preparing a very large Attestation document, and negotiating with the U.S. Attorney’s Office which represents the U.S. Department of Education.

Recently we were able to discharge 100% of our client’s Student Loans. We were able to erase more than $70,000 in Student Loans for our client! That is real relief!

Contact us to see if you might be eligible for a full or partial Student Loan Discharge.